Alfa Pizza
I have been preparing for a change for a long time for my Ehl-i Taste page. This change will include new recipes and cooking videos made by yourself or fellow Bloggers. Within this framework, the only thing I lacked to complete my preparations in my kitchen was an oven in which I could cook many types of kebabs as well as bread pita and value pastries.
I’ve been looking for an oven like this for a long time, but I guess I had so many requests that it seemed impossible to combine them all in one appliance. until I saw the products of a company called Alfa Pizza in my research.
Alfa Pizza is a bakery manufacturer in the vicinity of Rome. Since the 80s they have been producing traditional pizza ovens. As time passed and competition increased among bakery manufacturers in Italy, they started to design products that would differentiate themselves from other manufacturers. These are products designed in new lines and made of stainless steel, but with the same features as traditional products in terms of quality of use.
I have studied the products of Alfa Pizza for a long time on their website and brochures and gathered information. The next step was to contact their sales manager and ask if they could produce an oven for me the way I wanted. While we were trying to understand each other in our conversation, the sales manager invited me to their headquarters in Rome to try their products and make sure that their products would meet my needs. In the meantime, I realized that they would be pleased to have their products used on my page in the preparation of my articles. So I started preparing for my trip to Rome.
We visited Alfa Pizza in June and thanks to my dear friend Vecih, he did not leave me wrong and we went with him.
The gentleman from Mattei Gionattan welcomed us on our visit to Alfa Pizza. After briefly introducing the company officials, he introduced us the products in their show roms and I had already gathered a lot of information about their products. After examining the products, we moved on to the second part of our meeting, the practical trial. Mr. Mattei invited Giuseppe, their cook, to cook with me.
In Alfa Pizza, in fact, all the ovens are set up in such a way that we can try them. We chose the “Giotto” model for our trials, this model is one of the products that Alfa Pizza produces in a professional line. products in this line can be operated by burning wood or gas.
We started our work by lighting our wood oven, and when we stacked the wood and placed the sawdust that served as kindling underneath, it was like child’s play to light the oven. By burning wood, it takes 30 minutes for the oven to reach the desired temperature, i.e. 450 degrees, and this time can be completed in 10 minutes by burning LPG. These ovens are one of the rare models that burn both gas and wood.
As I said, our oven was ready for use within 30 minutes. Giuseppe started with our focacia dough and he prepared the dough a week in advance and kept it in the fridge to allow it to mature, and I will cover this maturation process in our next focacia recipe. The dough was very soft and had been in the refrigerator for a long time, so it had released itself completely. With the help of a few small hand movements, our 4 kilos of dough. It’s almost 70 cm long. We added olive oil and rosemary and put it in our oven. It was cooked in 15 – 20 minutes, provided that it was turned once in a while, and the smell of the wood oven combined with the smell of our sourdough fermented by waiting for a week and the wonderful smells spread around. We ate our focaccia hot from the other Alfa pizza with friends, the smell was great but when it came to taste, it was delicious.
Then we moved on to pizza making, thanks to our friend Giuseppe, who prepared this dough two days in advance and left it to mature in the fridge. The dough was ideal to work with and we made a few pizzas together. I made one of them in the form of a pita so that it would be from us again. We sliced and lobed them without cooling them, just like the focaccia. I’ve eaten countless pizzas so far, but I don’t know if it’s because I made these myself or what, I think these were the best I’ve ever had. How can I describe the smell of that wood that passes into the dough while it is burning, the delicious taste of the fermented dough that will rise like a mushroom from the ground in a 450-degree oven, how can I describe it…… simply wonderful
While I was working with the dough, Giuseppe prepared a tray of lasagna and an antipasti platter (Italian style frying platter) in the background. After that, we went to our barbecue section and we had two 800 gram beef steaks and two unbroken lamb chop sets. The barbecue part was the part that worried me the most about this oven, I thought it would not work well with the installed system, but I’m glad I came to test it. With Alfa Pizza’s barbecue equipment, our Giotto oven suddenly turned into a barbecue. After we cooked our meat in a rare pink color, we cut it on our bed of arugula and small date tomatoes and made it ready to serve. After applying the same process to our lamb chop set and making it ready to eat, we sat down with friends from Alfa Pizza and enjoyed it.
My trials at Alfa Pizza have been a great experience for me and now I am sure that the oven I have chosen is the most suitable for me and the work I want to do. Now I will share my new posts with you from my own oven. Let’s see my “Quatro Pro” model….
From here, I would like to thank the Alfa Pizza officials again and send my love and greetings.
Erhan Arda
Alfa Pizza:
Via Villamagna snc, 03012 – Anagni (FR) – Italia
Phone: 0039 0775 782250